
This section of the docs shows you how to do useful but advanced things with twosheds.

Change your login shell

Replacing your login shell the shell you just wrote is simple.

Let’s assume your shell is named $SHELLPATH. First you need to add your shell to the list of valid shells, and then you need to actually change it.

To add your shell to the list of valid shells, you need to add it to /etc/shells, a list of paths to valid login shells on the system. By default, it looks something like this:

# List of acceptable shells for chpass(1).
# Ftpd will not allow users to connect who are not using
# one of these shells.


So to add your shell, simply:

$ sudo bash -c "echo $SHELLPATH >> /etc/shells"

Finally, change your login shell:

$ chsh -s $SHELLPATH

Add git branch to prompt

Add the current git branch to the prompt:

def git_branch():
    """Get the current git branch or None."""
        return check_output("git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2> /dev/null",
    except CalledProcessError:
        return None

def primary_prompt_string():
    pwd = os.getcwd().replace(os.environ["HOME"], "~")
    branch = git_branch()
    ps1 = "%s " % pwd if branch is None else "%s(%s) " % (pwd, branch)
    os.environ["PS1"] = ps1

Automate ls

We so frequently type ls that sometimes it seems like it would be nice to automate it.

In other shells, there are either prebuilt hooks from which we can execute arbitrary code or we can devise impressive aliases to automatically ls whenever the state of the directory changes:

# automate ls in zsh
# If the contents of the current working directory have changed, `ls`.
function precmd() {

    a=$(cat ~/.contents)
    if [ $a = $b ]
        emulate -L zsh
    ls > ~/.contents

With twosheds it’s much simpler:

from subprocess import check_output

import twosheds

shell = twosheds.Shell()
last_ls = ""

def ls():
    global last_ls
    ls = check_output("ls", shell=True)
    if ls != last_ls:
        last_ls = ls

This code reads the contents of the current directory before every command and checks if its different from whatever the contents were before the last command. If they’re different, it runs ls.

Automate git status

Automating git status is similar to automating ls:

from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError

import twosheds

shell = twosheds.Shell()
last_gs = ""

def gs():
    global last_gs
        gs = check_output("git status --porcelain 2> /dev/null", shell=True)
    except CalledProcessError:
        if gs != last_gs:
            last_gs = gs
            # show status concisely
            shell.eval("git status -s")

Auto-complete Git branches

To extend the completer, you can use the Shell.completes decorator. It takes a generator which given a string representing the word the user is trying to complete, generates possible matches. For example, the following shows how to extend the completer to match Git branches:

def git_branches(word):
    branches = sh("git branch --list {}* 2> /dev/null".format(word)).split()
    except ValueError:
    for branch in branches:
        yield branch