
Eager to get started? This page gives a good introduction in how to get started with twosheds. This assumes you already have twosheds installed. If you do not, head over to the Installation section.

Start a Shell

Interacting with a shell with twosheds is very simple:

>>> import twosheds
>>> shell = twosheds.Shell()
>>> shell.serve_forever()
$ ls
AUTHORS.rst       build             requirements.txt  test_twosheds.py
LICENSE           dist              scripts           tests
Makefile          docs              setup.cfg         twosheds
README.rst        env               setup.py          twosheds.egg-info

The Shell is the main interface for twosheds. To quit the shell, just press CTRL+D.

Configuring a shell

If we want to configure our shell, it’s useful to store our code in a script:

#!/usr/bin/env python -i
import twosheds

shell = twosheds.Shell()

Just copy that into twosheds (or whatever you want to call your shell) and make it executable:

$ chmod a+x ./twosheds

Then execute it to interact:

$ ./twosheds
$ ls


To add aliases, we just revise our script to pass in a dictionary full of the aliases we want to use to the shell:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import twosheds

aliases = {'..': 'cd ..'}

shell = twosheds.Shell(aliases=aliases)

Then we can test it:

$ ./twosheds
$ ls
AUTHORS.rst       build             requirements.txt  test_twosheds.py
LICENSE           dist              scripts           tests
Makefile          docs              setup.cfg         twosheds
README.rst        env               setup.py          twosheds.egg-info
$ ..
$ ls

Environmental Variables

To set environment variables, just use os.environ:

PATH = ["/Users/ceasarbautista/local/bin",

os.environ['PATH'] = ":".join(PATH)

Make sure to insert code like this before you execute interact.

Change the prompt

The default prompt for twosheds is just $. We can change that by setting $PS1 before each interaction:

import os

def primary_prompt_string():
    os.environ["PS1"] = os.getcwd().replace(os.environ["HOME"], "~") + " "

This may be more typing then the export PS1=\w equivalent in bash, but it is easier to follow what is happening, which becomes important as the prompt becomes more complex.